April 22, 2007

Cambridge Who's Who names Andrew Barr Schoedinger, Ph.D., Professional of the Year in Philosophy, Ethics and Logic

Cambridge Who's Who & Andrew Barr Schoedinger

Andrew Barr Schoedinger, Ph.D. named Cambridge Who's Who
Professional of the Year in Philosophy, Ethics and Logic

Andrew Barr Schoedinger, Ph.D., Chair of the Philosophy Department of Boise State University has been named Cambridge Who's Who Professional of the Year in Philosophy, Ethics and Logic. Only one member in each discipline is named the Cambridge Who's Who Professional of the Year. The Cambridge Who's Who selection committee picks these special Who's Who honorees based on accomplishments, academic achievement, leadership, and service.

Boise, ID …February 23, 2007– Andrew Barr Schoedinger, Ph.D., Chair of the Philosophy Department of Boise State University has been named Cambridge Who's Who Professional of the Year in Philosophy, Ethics and Logic. While inclusion in Cambridge Who's Who is an honor, only one member in each discipline is named the Cambridge Who's Who Professional of the Year. The Cambridge Who's Who selection committee picks these special Who's Who honorees based on accomplishments, academic achievement, leadership, and service.

Andrew B. Schoedinger was awarded the M.A. and Ph.D. [1974] degrees in Philosophy from Brown University--before which he graduated from Hobart College. His interests lie mainly in Metaphysics, Ethics, and Medieval Philosophy.

Books published by him includeWhere Have All Our Values Gone?: The Decline Of Values In American And What We Can Do About It [Xlibris, 2004]; Our Philosophical Heritage [an introductory textbook published by Kendall/Hunt, fourth edition, 2002]; Readings in Medieval Philosophy [Oxford University Press, 1996]; The Problem of Universals [an anthology published by Humanities Press International, 1992]; Introduction to Metaphysics: The Fundamental Questions [an anthology published by Prometheus Books, 1991] and Wants, Decisions and Human Action: A Praxeological Investigation [a manuscript on action theory published by University Press of America, 1978].Presently Professor Schoedinger is writing a manuscript the subject of which is normative ethical theory.

He is currently the Chair of the BSU Philosophy Department. Email: aschoed@boisestate.edu

Andrew Barr Schoedinger, Ph.D., Chair of the Philosophy Department of Boise State University has been named Cambridge Who's Who Professional of the Year in Philosophy, Ethics and Logic. Only one member in each discipline is named the Cambridge Who's Who Professional of the Year.

Schoedinger, a lecturer on values and the author of five academic books on philosophy, has 36 years of experience as a philosophy professor at Boise State University. His areas of expertise include meta physics, action theory, medieval philosophy, and values, His latest book, “Where Have All Our Values Gone? The Decline of Values in America and What We Can do About It,” looks at how that decline came about and what is needed to restore it. Scheodinger takes special interest in the declining sense of responsibility for individual behavior and the confusion over what constitutes “family values.” Chapters address issues such as duty, corruption of the legal system, narcissism and the entertainment industry.

Schoedinger received a Ph.D. in philosophy from Brown University. He is former president of the Northwest Conference of Philosophy, and a member of International Societe' de Philosophie de Medieval, Istanbul, Turkey. He has made radio and television appearances.

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